Washington, D.C. Crop Report Trip, September 11-13, 2018
Deadline for applications is July 10
Iowa Farm Bureau’s Annual USDA Crop Report Trip to Washington, D.C. will be September 11-13, 2018. The trip is organized by the IFBF Research and Commodity Services Division in cooperation with Iowa’s Agricultural Statistical Reporting Service. Hotel and Air Travel expenses (from Des Moines) are included for accepted applicants. The deadline for applications is July 10, 2018.This trip (10 to 12 members) helps participants become informed and knowledgeable about USDA procedures for assembling, analyzing, interpreting and distributing national crop production data.
- Members participate in USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) September crop report release, briefing and lock-up activities.
- In addition, members have the opportunity to meet with governmental agencies and officials in our nation’s capital that regulate or influence markets for ag products.
If you are interested in applying for consideration, please click the button below.
the registration period has ended
Past participants’ trip rating = 4.9 (5 = very valuable, 1 = not valuable at all)
Participant Comments:
- “The visit for the USDA Crop Report was eye-opening and educational. I trust the system more and understand the procedures.”
- “The (report) lockup was great. Fun to learn the process behind the report, and NASS staff were excellent.”
- “The whole trip showed me how many good people are hard at work behind the scenes in Washington D.C. The other members were great to travel with; Learning from them and about their farms was also a highlight.”
- “Just the networking aspect of this trip is invaluable. Plus the opportunity to understand key information that is valuable to the business in which we work.”
For more information, contact Ed Kordick, ekordick@ifbf.org, or Lavonne Baldwin, lbaldwin@ifbf.org
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