
  • Sponsor Company: Rock Island Clean Line LLC
  • Length: about 500 miles of +/- 600kV capacity line (part of a larger project taking energy from NW Iowa to the Illinois metropolitan area)
  • Bifurcation: CleanLine ( Petition) filed 10/15/2013, Office of Consumer Advocate ( Resistance) filed 10/28/2013, Preservation of Rural Iowa Alliance ( Resistance) filed 10/29/2013, CleanLine ( Reply) filed 11/8/2013, Iowa Utilities Board ( Order) denied bifurcation 11/26/2013
  • Motion to Consider Eminent Domain Issue in Separate Hearing: CleanLine ( Motion) filed 12/8/2014, Officer of Consumer Advocate ( Response) filed 1/8/2015, Preservation of Rural Iowa Alliance ( Resistance) filed 1/8/2015, CleanLine ( Reply) filed 1/20/2015, Iowa Utilities Board ( Order) denied motion 2/13/2015
  • Easement Agreement: Here is a copy of the template easement agreement that CleanLine will be using in their negotiations with local landowners

O’Brien County

(Docket # E-22123)
  • Project Details:
           18.53 miles of line
           Sponsor Company: Rock Island Clean Line LLC
  • Status:
           Informational Meeting held 8/20/2013 ( Notice)
           Additional Informational Meeting held 12/13/2013 ( Notice)
           Petition for Electric...