National Biotech Disclosure Signed Into Law
On Friday, July 03, 2016 President Barack Obama signed national biotech disclosure into law.
“President Obama’s signature today will put a stop to the harmful patchwork of state GMO labeling laws and set in place a uniform, national disclosure system that will provide balanced, accurate information to consumers,” AFBF President Zippy Duvall said in a statement. He also pointed out that for decades, biotechnology has made it possible for farmers to grow safe and healthful crops while reducing their environmental impact.
“We are pleased that Congress and the administration have moved swiftly to prevent consumer confusion and protect agricultural innovation,” Duvall concluded.
“President Obama’s signature today will put a stop to the harmful patchwork of state GMO labeling laws and set in place a uniform, national disclosure system that will provide balanced, accurate information to consumers,” AFBF President Zippy Duvall said in a statement. He also pointed out that for decades, biotechnology has made it possible for farmers to grow safe and healthful crops while reducing their environmental impact.
“We are pleased that Congress and the administration have moved swiftly to prevent consumer confusion and protect agricultural innovation,” Duvall concluded.
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