Brenda Martinez Vergara Bio

Iowa Farm Bureau's Economic Summit 2024 >> Brenda Martinez Vergara Bio

Agricultural Advisor / Agriculture Office of the Embassy of Mexico in Washington D.C.

Brenda Martinez Vergara has more than 15 years of experience working as part of the team of the Agricultural Office of the Embassy of Mexico in Washington, D.C., specializing in Mexico-U.S. agricultural trade policy, including market access, supply chain development, barriers to trade and food safety and security. She helps with coordination efforts and initiatives between Mexican and U.S. government agencies and serves as liaison with agricultural associations, members of the diplomatic community and private stakeholders. As the office’s Economist, Vergara conducts economic research and analysis and monitors and evaluates agricultural and food policy agendas of the North American region. A native of Mexico, Vergara earned a bachelor’s degree in International Economics and International Affairs and a Master’s degree in International Economic Policy from American University and received a Master of Science degree in Agriculture and Life Sciences from Virginia Tech.

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