Farmers Vote 2018 >> Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Candidates’ Positions
1.Who should determine the best animal care practices for producing livestock, milk, eggs, or poultry?
3.Are current regulations for livestock operations adequately balancing the air, water, and neighbor interests with opportunities to grow livestock farms in our State?
4.Do you support changing the Master Matrix used in siting livestock operations?
5.Which approach do you support regarding soil conservation and water quality?
6.What funding sources do you support to provide long-term, sustainable resources for the Water Quality Initiative, Nutrient Reduction Strategy?
7.Which is the best way to gauge short-term advancements in water quality, and why?
8.Do you support changes to the Outdoor Recreation Trust Fund allocation formula, focusing more funding for the Nutrient Reduction Strategy?
9.Do you support changing this formula before the sales tax increase is initiated?
10. Iowa’s water quality efforts to reduce Nitrogen and Phosphorus are primarily based on the Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy. How should Iowa move forward?
11. Will trade promotion be a priority for you and IDALS if you are elected Secretary of Agriculture?
12. Is expanding the use of renewable fuels a priority for IDALS if you are elected Sec of Ag?
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Click the links below to reveal the Iowa Secretary of Agriculture candidates’ positions on critical issues for farmers and all Iowans.
All announced candidates have been asked to complete this survey. We will update this page as candidates return their responses.
Animal Agriculture
1.Who should determine the best animal care practices for producing livestock, milk, eggs, or poultry?
________ Farmers
________ State Legislatures
View the candidates' responses
2.What would you do to prepare our livestock, egg, and poultry farmers to protect their farms from animal disease outbreaks?
View the candidates' responses
3.Are current regulations for livestock operations adequately balancing the air, water, and neighbor interests with opportunities to grow livestock farms in our State?
________ Yes
________ No
View the candidates' responses
4.Do you support changing the Master Matrix used in siting livestock operations?
________ Yes
________ No
View the candidates' responses
Water Quality and Conservation
5.Which approach do you support regarding soil conservation and water quality?
________ Regulatory Controls
________ Farmer Led Watershed Initiatives
View the candidates' responses
6.What funding sources do you support to provide long-term, sustainable resources for the Water Quality Initiative, Nutrient Reduction Strategy?
________ Current revenue sources
________ Increased taxes
________ Increased fees
________ Penalties
View the candidates' responses
7.Which is the best way to gauge short-term advancements in water quality, and why?
________ Water monitoring
________ Measure the adoption of structures and practices
View the candidates' responses
8.Do you support changes to the Outdoor Recreation Trust Fund allocation formula, focusing more funding for the Nutrient Reduction Strategy?
________ Yes
________ No
View the candidates' responses
9.Do you support changing this formula before the sales tax increase is initiated?
________ Yes
________ No
View the candidates' responses
10. Iowa’s water quality efforts to reduce Nitrogen and Phosphorus are primarily based on the Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy. How should Iowa move forward?
________ Continue to implement the Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy
________ Regulate farming practices
________ Other
View the candidates' responses
11. Will trade promotion be a priority for you and IDALS if you are elected Secretary of Agriculture?
________ Yes
________ No
If Yes, how will you promote Iowa agricultural products to our customers outside of the United States?
View the candidates' responses
Renewable Fuels
12. Is expanding the use of renewable fuels a priority for IDALS if you are elected Sec of Ag?
________ Yes
________ No
View the candidates' responses
13. What actions will you take to advance the market opportunities for ethanol and bio-diesel?
View the candidates' responses
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