Farmland Leasing and Management Workshops to Increase Understanding of Rental Agreements. Farm tenants and landowners are encouraged to attend Monday, Aug. 12 in Waverly.

Iowa State University Extension and Outreach in Bremer County is hosting a farmland leasing meeting on Monday, Aug 12 at 1 p.m., at the Waverly Civic Center, 200 1st St NE Waverly, IA 50677. The annual meeting is offered to address questions that landowners, tenants, or other interested individuals have about leasing farmland. The average reported in the 2024 cash rental survey for the state is $279 per acre of corn and soybeans and is the first-time rates have not increased in five years.

Topics will include land values and cash rent trends, cost of production, methods for determining a fair rental rate, legislative updates regarding leases and communicating with tenants or landlords. 

“More than half of Iowa’s farmland is rented, and strong landlord/tenant relationships are important for the long-term viability of Iowa’s valuable farmland,” said Ann Johanns, program specialist at Iowa State University Extension and Outreach. “While the trend in rental rates is fairly steady, individual agreements vary and attending a workshop is a great way to learn more or ask questions on specific aspects of farm lease arrangements.”

The three-hour workshop is designed to assist landowners, farm tenants and other agri-business professionals with current issues related to farmland ownership, management, and leasing arrangements. Attendees will gain a better understanding of current cash rental rate surveys and factors driving next year’s rents such as market trends and input costs.

Each registrant will receive a 100-page workbook with resources regarding land leasing agreements such as surveys, sample written lease agreements and termination forms, along with many other publications. The workbook may be included in the registration fee in some county meetings and available for purchase in others.

Registration is $20 per individual and includes materials. Preregistration is encouraged as an additional $5 fee will be added if registering less than two calendar days before the meeting date. To register contact the ISU Extension and Outreach Bremer County office at 319-822-4275 or