Commodity Challenge

The 2015-16 Iowa Commodity Challenge will provide the opportunity for risk management education using a market simulation to experiment with futures and ag options with real markets. Each participant is given 75,000 bu. of corn and 25,000 bushel of soybeans to market until an end date of March 9, 2016. Storage costs will accrue on bushels as if they were in the bin (6 cents per bu. per month).
1. The first step is to view and print out the instruction sheet to join the simulation. This is a password protected simulation and the password is on the instruction sheet. Please click here for the instruction sheet. You may want to print out the sheet to have it handy to register for the simulation.
2. Please click here for a quick link to the Commodity Challenge website. Follow the instruction sheet above and join the password protected game entitled: 2015 New Crop Iowa Commodity Challenge
If you are already familiar with the registration process, the game password for #6 is: Iowa1516
It is suggested that you “bookmark” or “favorite” this page and the Commodity Challenge website for easy access to the educational material and the simulation.
Please feel free to experiment and try marketing tools. Remember, the goal is not to make money with the futures or options – the goal is to learn risk management tools to help you on your farm.
For questions, please contact Ed Kordick,